The Passion

En Son Değerlendirmeler

10 puan

En sevdiğim alıntıyı içinde barındıran hayatımın kitaplarından biridir:

"I used to think darkness and death were probably the same. That darkness was the absence of light. That death was nothing more than the shadow-lands where people bought and sold and loved as usual but with less conviction. The night seems more temporary than the day, especially to lovers, and it also seems more uncertain. In this way it sums up our lives, which are uncertain and temporary. We forget about that in the day. In the day we go on for ever ... This is the city of uncertainty, where routes and faces look alike and are not. Death will be like that. We will forever be recognizing people we have never met.

But darkness and death are not the same.
The one is temporary, the other is not."

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