The Penguin English Dictionary

Editörün notu: Penguin Yayınevi tarafından çıkartılan sözlüğün Alkım Yayınevi tarafından yapılmış yerli basımı.Revised and updated for its second edition with new definitions and the latest buzzwords, The Penguin Dictionary is the most accessible single-volume dictionary available. The Penguin Dictionary offers a complete guide to the English language. As well as clear, detailed definitions, there are usage notes on difficult aspects of grammar and words that are often confused; there are short encyclopedia entries on concepts such as freedom, consciousness and structualism written by leading commentators in their fields (Helena Kennedy, Vernon Bogdanor, Richard Dawkins and Geoffrey Robertson for example) and there are fascinating word histories and a vast array of quotations to support and exemplify usage. In a comparison of Collins, Chambers and Penguin, the New Penguin English Dictionary comes out as the top recommendation - TLS Refreshingly forward-looking and impressively comprehensive

Editörün notu: Penguin Yayınevi tarafından çıkartılan sözlüğün Alkım Yayınevi tarafından yapılmış yerli basımı.Revised and updated for its second edition with new definitions and the latest buzzwords, The Penguin Dictionary is the most accessible single-volume dictionary available. The Penguin Dictionary offers a complete guide to the English language. As well as clear, detailed definitions, there are usage notes on difficult aspects of grammar and words that are often confused; there are short encyclopedia entries on concepts such as freedom, consciousness and structualism written by leading commentators in their fields (Helena Kennedy, Vernon Bogdanor, Richard Dawkins and Geoffrey Robertson for example) and there are fascinating word histories and a vast array of quotations to support and exemplify usage. In a comparison of Collins, Chambers and Penguin, the New Penguin English Dictionary comes out as the top recommendation - TLS Refreshingly forward-looking and impressively comprehensive


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