Beyond Gallipoli

Gallantry, vanity, and entangled relations with the backdrop of an empires decedanceAli Bedri jumped on Rawlings. He actually pounced on him. It was the first time he had attacked anyone in his entire life. Rawlings was taken by surprise, he had not expected Ali Bedri to move so violently. Then a shot was heard, tangled in each others arms, they both looked at one another in amazement...

Gallantry, vanity, and entangled relations with the backdrop of an empires decedanceAli Bedri jumped on Rawlings. He actually pounced on him. It was the first time he had attacked anyone in his entire life. Rawlings was taken by surprise, he had not expected Ali Bedri to move so violently. Then a shot was heard, tangled in each others arms, they both looked at one another in amazement...


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